Cliff reached out as he started to feel like a bit of a failure (his own words) after letting himself go, becoming overweight and getting into a negative mindset.
His weight had crept up gradually to 18 stone 10lbs which was adding to the problems.
The thing holding Cliff back was working around historic injuries from rugby and cycling accidents and also not having the structure, guidance and accountability to eat in a way that gives him the body & results he wants.
We overcame this by identifying Cliff’s strengths and weaknesses, he has many strengths after playing professional Rugby in his younger years and completing many endurance events including IronMan Triathlons.
Cliff’s attitude and mentality are such that allowed us to have honest conversations talking through the areas we needed to focus on.
I put together a programme for the gym along with a flexible and sensible eating plan that would ensure he was dropping fat & weight each week.
This was combined with a monitoring & feedback system to allow effective communication and tracking of results.
Cliff just then got to work each week.
5 months on and he is overwhelmed with the results he’s made.
Dropping 14kg in weight, 10cm off his waist and now needs a new wardrobe for summer!!
His previous high blood pressure has come down to normal and resting Heart Rate reduced by 25% - he says just walking upstairs is a breeze.
Cliff said that every aspect of his life has improved since starting on my programme, he looks better, feels better, is more mobile and can feel his agility at work, home and gym has improved massively.
He said he would never have imagined these results and would have been happy with half the success.
Walking the dog easily for miles each day is a doddle and his triathlon training is better than ever.
“Investing in yourself its the best life savings plan you will ever have”
I just want to add what a pleasure its been working with Cliff and he has been one of those clients that I learn a lot from too that I will apply to other clients.
If you want to lose some weight, get stronger & fitter then book a call.